

Open prejudice against his sexuality has seen the career of a Yorkshire academic slowly wither

“The fight for LGBTQ+ equality has not been won.”

“at an awayday, (my line manager) told the team that “there are gay people around”

“One by one, the doors of career progression were slammed in my face.”

“These are the figures for absence,” he resumed, holding up a chart. “We are here.” He pointed at one figure, before moving his finger to another. “And I want to be here”. That was the end of my return-to-work interview.”

“When I’m away, he’s in charge! He owns you!”

“… my line manager kept piling on the teaching hours, until my load became one of the heaviest in the university”

Read the full story in The Times Higher Education here

Stress Survey



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Feeling that whatever you do it’s never enough? Or is everything fine?

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UCU Annual Conference



Steve Lui (Huddersfield UCU) Proposes to Limit VC Pay and Increase Transparency

HE14  Composite: Campaigning on vice chancellors (VC) and senior managements (SMT) pay – Yorkshire and Humberside regional HE committee, Southern regional HE committee

Conference notes that at a time where academic staff have suffered pay cuts, and are asked to do more and more by their institutions, VC and SMT are enjoying bonanza pay rises which far exceed those of the majority of academic staff. This is divisive and should be reversed.

Conference commends Bath University UCU, and the other recognised trade unions at the university, for their long and exemplary campaign for greater transparency over senior pay at the University of Bath. Subsequent to the publication of the Higher Education Funding Council of England (Hefce) report into governance at Bath, the University Court demanded (requested) the ‘immediate resignation and departure of the Vice Chancellor, Chair of Council and the Remuneration Committee’, in whom Court expressed no confidence.

Conference believes:

  1. VCs should not be on remuneration committees
  2. UCU and other recognised staff unions and NUS student representatives should be on the remuneration committees to promote transparency.

Conference calls on HEC to:

  1. commend the Bath University UCU campaign strategy to branches
  2. reject CUC proposals for a framework that ensures fair, appropriate and ‘justifiable’ pay for senior managers as insufficient
  3. extend the FoI requests to publish all Senior Managers pay, not just that of VCs
  4. campaign nationally for greater transparency around remuneration decisions
  5. campaign for a public register of vicechancellorspay and perks
  6. campaign for all VC and SMT pay to be pegged to the average wage in the institution, and for it to be, at a maximum, 10 times the lowest paid contracts within the institution.

Conference demands fair pay and a pay cut to all VCs and SMTs.