UCU/UNISON Open Letter on Appointment of New Chancellor

Huddersfield UCU and UNISON branches jointly issued the following open letter to the VC at 3.00PM on Wednesday 28th October, 2020:

Dear Vice Chancellor

We are writing to you on behalf of the executive committees of the University of Huddersfield branches of Unison and UCU with regards to the recent announcement of the appointment of a new Chancellor.

We do recognise the qualities that Sir George Buckley will bring to the role, with his vast business experience and of course his long- standing association with our University. However, we do have concerns about the appointment and the way it has been handled.

When the previous Chancellor stepped down from the role last November it was stated that the Student Union would be at the forefront of the search for his replacement. It was also stated at the time that the next appointment should ideally be more representative of the diversity of the student population.

We have seen the short-list that was compiled by the Student Union from around 470 recommendations from the student body, and we were very impressed by the quality and diversity of the recommendations. Indeed, many of the names on this list had been suggested by staff members as their preference for the role.

We feel that the impression has been created that the staff and student voice has been ignored in this decision and that this has echoes of the appointment of the previous Chancellor. In that case a widespread consultation was promised but we feel that the Duke of York was an unpopular choice imposed on the University by a small group of senior managers. This, for us, illuminates the ‘top down, impose rather than negotiate’ attitude of much decision making within the institution.

While we feel that Sir George’s links to the University and his undoubted business success do qualify him for the role, we feel that a major opportunity has been missed. By appointing somebody from a BAME background, and preferably a female too, the University could have demonstrated its commitment to diversity. This seems particularly pertinent given the recent announcement that we have signed up to the Race Equality Charter.

Yours Sincerely

Stephen Howe, Branch Secretary Unison

Amy Harrop, Branch Chair Unison

On behalf of the BEC Unison

Anna Zueva, Branch Secretary UCU

Gary Allen , Branch Chair UCU

On behalf of the BEC UCU